How We Work

Linda Powell, Founder and CEO of Integrated Success, is your supportive strategic partner, guiding you and your team on the journey to co-create a workplace that ignites passion, fuels productivity, and generates a positive workplace community.

Linda isn’t just an organizational development consultant; she’s your bridge to a thriving, inclusive environment where innovation and belonging go hand-in-hand.

Together we spark organic transformation in your workplace culture.

Achieving a sustainable workplace culture transformation requires a well-structured and holistic approach, rather than a fleeting quick-fix with no sticking power.

CURIOUS ABOUT TRANSFORMING your workplace culture?

Achieving a sustainable workplace culture transformation requires a well-structured and holistic approach. Start with an experienced strategic partner.  We’ll guide you every step of the way.

Your journey to an inspiring workplace culture is unique, but there’s a proven approach I’ve developed based on science and my experience with a variety of organizations. The Integrated Success Way to CultureTransformation engages all parts of the organization.


Senior Leader

The journey to build a thriving, inclusive workplace culture begins with you.

As the senior leader, your vision isn’t just a destination, it’s a spark. Your values, actions, and unwavering commitment ripple through the organization, fueling a co-created cultural transformation.

To bring a new culture into being, you must start by connecting with a new sense of your own leadership. This shift in your perspective creates the foundation for a deeper conversation about culture within your organization and the people who make up your organization.

While working together during this phase, we have two primary goals:

  1. Tuning into your own authenticity, strengths, and values to harness the unique essence that makes you a catalyst for positive change in your workplace culture.
  2. Identifying the needs and goals within your organization to create a custom road map to elevating the workplace culture within your organization. This isn’t a top-down diagnosis; it’s an initial exploration that sets the stage for you to invite your leadership team and employees into a collaborative journey together.

All senior leaders begin their journey with our one-on-one strategic partnership for guidance in service to culture transformation. Through tailored guidance, you gain insights, develop strategies, and put them in practice to elevate your workplace culture.

When ready, we will design several options for the best next step for you and your organization.

The best way to get started is to have a conversation.

“Your commitment to understanding [us] is rare and valuable, and it was a significant piece of what you contributed to the consultation and facilitation process. … All along the way, you provided input and design based on your understanding of us, which was of significant value.”

Calling Everyone into the Culture Transformation

With your clarity, our strategic partnership, and our understanding of your organization’s current culture, we are ready to call your leadership team and then all employees into the conversation to create an inspiring workplace community.

While specific actions depend on where you and your organization are with your current culture, there’s a clear path and proven framework I’ve developed for achieving an inspiring culture that sticks.

Here’s an overview of what the two phases of engaging everyone looks like and why each phase matters.


Leadership Team

Compared to an entire organization, a leadership team is relatively small in size, yet its culture has a tremendous impact on the overall workplace culture. The dynamics within the leadership team can pull the organization down or inspire the organization to elevate the culture.

When an organization is struggling, the core issue is often not an us-them dynamic between leaders and employees, but rather there is a division between the leaders who make up the leadership team.

Elevating your workplace culture is not just about creating strong individual leaders, but rather cultivating a truly connected and aligned leadership team – A Community of Leaders.

With the entire leadership team on the same page, with new tools, perspectives, and strategies, they have what they need to bring their employees and the entire organization into the conversation to elevate the workplace culture.

In their role leading a new elevated culture, leaders engage with their staff members and teams with a new energy. When employees feel safe, heard, and valued, they feel secure enough to contribute in new ways.

“You know I’m cynical.  That’s my reputation and it’s well-deserved. I’ve been here for 26 years and I’ve seen 6 different consultants come through. Nothing ever changes.  But this time is different. I see big changes in how people are interacting. For the first time, I’m actually hopeful.”


Employees Across the Organization

As the new elevated culture begins to come to life, the people within the organization galvanize around their shared aspiration. By amplifying what works well and changing what doesn’t, all parts of the organization work together to co-create new patterns and ways of interacting.

This work with employees isn’t a top-down mandate; it’s a collaborative effort. You are all rolling up your sleeves, breaking down silos, and co-creating a workplace that reflects your collective values, sparking inclusivity, vibrancy, and wisdom.

This isn’t just an initiative; it’s a cultural transformation. Together, you are infusing your shared values into every corner of the organization’s work, fostering a community where purpose thrives and innovation flourishes.

You gathered and guided a team of employees from across the organization to co-design an organization-wide experience to engage everyone – leaders and employees – in a collective effort to define [our] True North [part of Integrated Success’ original approach for transforming workplace cultures] and improve our culture. You skillfully facilitated opportunities and created an atmosphere for [our] employees to grow, reflect, and hear one another in a different way.

I worked with Linda to dramatically improve the division’s culture and leadership. The division transformed from a workplace where many staff were actively disengaged, some openly hostile, to a workplace where staff were engaged and optimistic about the future.

Our Client Results

Working with clients across a variety of organizations, Integrated Success has partnered with senior leaders to:

  • Heal fractured departments struggling to function as a cohesive group with a shared identity
  • Elevate fragmented and siloed management teams to collaborative communities of leaders with a shared aspirational goal
  • Enhance healthy leadership teams to create capacity to take on upcoming changes and challenges in the organization
  • Help organizations, leaders, and employees envision and put into action a new way of engaging with each other that illuminates the path forward.
  • Give everyone in the organization the experience of feeling seen, heard, and respected, which creates more cooperative collaboration and dynamic innovation. Everyone feels better!

We help organizations unlock their full potential through culture shifts that spark vibrancy, inclusivity, engagement, and wisdom.


From Tired to Inspired

As an organization’s workplace culture shifts from broken or tired to vibrant, inclusive, and inspired, additional changes ripple throughout the organization and beyond.

  • Positive energy flows through the organization; people feel they are on the same team and ready to do great things!
  • Greater inspired collaboration sparks innovation in line with the organization’s mission.
  • Shifts in interactions within the organization expand outward to strategic partners and other stakeholders, adding energy, vibrancy, and vitality to those relationships.
  • Increased engagement that illuminates pathways for better client services and community impact.
  • Significantly reduce turnover, absenteeism, and internal complaints while sparking renewed energy for personal accountability and development.
  • Enhance the organization’s ability to recruit and retain great employees by honoring what humans seek.
  • Cultivate a positive reputation in the community and beyond.
Ready to shift from Tired to Inspired? Let’s connect.