
What My Clients Say

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About Training and Facilitated Collaborative Events
About Leader Mentoring
About Strategic Planning Retreat

Stories of Transformation

A siloed Leadership Team was fragmented and even hostile at times.

Members had little positive regard for each other. There was certainly no collaboration or support in their interactions, which was painfully obvious in team meetings and evident as these sentiments rippled outward and across departments.

Now, “We seek each other out outside of meetings.

Leadership Team members now support one another and celebrate each other’s successes. Today, they are a community of leaders, highly collaborative and enthusiastically setting higher goals together as a team.

A Leader, who often came late to leadership team meetings, sat back in his chair with his arms crossed and didn’t participate – and if he did, it was only to shoot out cynical comments.

Now, “I want to be here. I want to support you and hear your ideas. I see big changes in how people are interacting. For the first time, I’m actually hopeful.

This same leader is now leaning in, offering ideas with enthusiasm and contributing beyond his assigned duties. He demonstrates his commitment to the greater good. Nurturing a collaborative workplace community, he is choosing to engage, contribute, and elevate conversations to the benefit of the whole organization.

A Leader was uncomfortable interacting with the direct, questioning members of her own team, so she avoided them.

This leader was stuck in a Protect Me mode, and lacked confidence, strategies, and skills to transform depreciative interactions into productive, community-building conversations.

Now, “I’ve learned so much! Everything I put into practice works, and I am gaining credibility with the employees I lead. One employee with challenging behaviors engaged in the conversation – for the first time ever – and even asked for help.

Now: This leader has the skills and perspective to have productive, meaningful conversations and nurture better relationships with her employees. Greater trust, understanding, and authentic transparency enable her and her employees to give each other grace.

Staff members were reluctant to come to work because tense relationships made them uncomfortable and hesitant to engage.

They distrusted their leaders and staff in other departments. On a regular basis, Human Resources received anonymous complaints about leaders, work culture, and policies. Gossiping was common.

Now, “It all feels so different now. I am hopeful. We’re moving forward together.” (Staff Member)

Now, “I love this team! We are stronger together because of our differences, and we have each others’ backs. I can’t believe how far we’ve come.” (Staff Member)

Now, “I am so surprised! People really engaged. The conversations in the whole room were so much more than I’d ever seen in this department before.” (Agency Executive Leader)

There’s positive energy in the meetings; people are leaning in and laughing together. Workplace community members are stepping up in new and productive ways. Peers are elevating and changing the conversation. Everyone is listening to and hearing each other, which is building respect. They are discovering what unites them for a better future while honoring what makes them each unique. They are all actively contributing to building toward a positive future.

Within the Organization, staff and leaders were reluctant to engage.

Disrespect and disconnection existed across departments. High levels of absenteeism and turnover impacted the effectiveness of the organization. Client services were disjointed and delayed due to disengagement, resulting in a less than desired reputation.

Now, “Through these experiences, we discovered that we do share a common view, a common language, and shared aspirations. People feel heard, optimistic, and more connected. Now our True North [part of Integrated Success’ original approach for transforming workplace cultures] provides us with greater clarity, and we all see the direction we want to move, and we know what we need to do to achieve this vision.”   ~ Executive Senior Leader

Positive energy now flows through the organization. People feel they are on the same team and are ready to do great things! They are experiencing a ripple effect of the change in leadership style. People feel good about who they are and make room for those who are NOT like them, seeing and honoring the strengths of others and how they align to make them better together. Everyone is an active contributor in building toward a positive future.

The Organization lacked a cohesive strategy and clear vision for the future. Their ambiguity resulted in conflicting priorities and a lack of direction.

The organization couldn’t be innovative or as productive as possible. The Board was conflicted, unable to be strategic, and was only focused on the ‘now’. They were unaware of the broader context of their work or the potential positive impact of the organization.

“Now, everyone at the organization is ‘rowing in the same direction’ and we can measure our progress against clear goals. The [strategic] plan has also empowered our Board. They now have a clear framework for making decisions that guide how we invest our time, energy, and resources. Linda ensured that everyone’s voice was heard…. allow[ing] everyone to contribute and ultimately build consensus for the final [strategic] plan.” 

The Board and the organization are on the same page and are strategically creating better results for those they serve. There is greater buy-in, transparency and personal ownership for achieving goals. The Board is working at a strategic level and able to champion the organization to the wider community. The organization’s reputation is on the rise!

Ready to shift from Tired to Inspired?