Who We Work With

Is This You?

Whether you lead a non-profit, government agency, or business, you have the heart, motivation, and conscience to deliver on both the human and business sides of your role.

You are open, curious, and committed to elevating your workplace culture:

  • To be the place where people truly belong and flourish.
  • To actively engage the people in your organizations in ways that are uplifting, authentic, and inspiring.
  • To encourage each person to show up fully and contribute in a meaningful and productive way.

You want to amplify your positive impact on the people you lead and ensure your organization is a force for good in the community. You recognize that the contribution your organization has is the result of the remarkable ways your people lend their talents in service to your clients.

You are perceptive and aware of the underlying dynamics within your organization. Deep down, you know so much more is possible for your people, the organization, and those impacted by your organization’s services, but you aren’t sure how to create the changes you envision.

You have the courage to challenge the status quo to get better results. You are ready to look beyond the traditional ways of leading to find innovative ways to create a workplace culture where everyone truly belongs and flourishes.


Assessing Your Current Culture

Every organization has a culture, and its impact is far too significant to be left to chance. Changes in leadership, silos , unnecessary conflicts, and outdated leadership methods can all wreak havoc on your workplace environment. So, how can you get a sense of your workplace culture?

Where to Start: A Quick Assessment

Your first step is to take note of what is happening in your organization right now.

  • Is your leadership team fragmented or is it already committed to a shared vision, purpose, and goals? Is there a shared sense of “ownership” and commitment to everyone’s success?
  • Are your employees detached, discontented, and depleted or are they engaged, excited, and effective?
  • How would you describe the overall workplace culture in your organization? What do you observe when your leaders interact with each other and with their staff? How do staff engage with each other and  your clients or customers?

Now you may be thinking, well, I have a good team already. If that’s the case, that’s a great starting point! Given what happens with challenged teams, just IMAGINE what’s possible for you and your organization, if your team already works well together.

Cultivating an Inspired Workplace Culture: A Leader’s Opportunity

As a leader, be purposeful in cultivating your desired workplace culture – what you hope to be known for as a workplace community – every day.  By proactively shaping your culture, you can ensure a thriving workplace that attracts and retains great people, fosters innovation, and generates great results for those your organization serves.

You May Feel Stuck

Deep down you know so much more is possible for your people, the organization, and those impacted by your organization’s services. You want your leadership team and employees to be connected to each other, the mission, and their own capabilities.

You are passionate about building a culture of belonging, collaboration and innovation, but you feel frustrated.

  • You are tired of having the same unproductive conversations over and over again, and still not getting people fully engaged and on the same page.
  • You are surprised that you aren’t having as much of a positive impact with your staff as you would like – and at times, you feel misunderstood.
  • You are struggling with the “old school” methods of leadership – you clearly see those methods don’t work, and they don’t feel good to you or others.
  • Nothing else you’ve tried so far has worked either. What these other sources offer is not actionable, accessible, or sustainable.

You’ve been searching for a better way, but you don’t know what it is or where to find it.

On top of that, there’s no real support to elevate the workplace culture while living in the day-to-day challenges of your workplace.

You’re not alone in your quest. We get it. We’ve been there.

Frustrations are aspirations in disguise. So let’s flip the script to illuminate the path forward for your organization.

Ready to shift from Tired to Inspired?

Imagine What’s Possible

As you think about the workplace culture you want to create within your organization:

  • What do you want your organization to be known for in your community?
  • What do you want your staff and leaders to experience while working in your organization?

As you explore these new possibilities:

  • Imagine how you would feel as the senior leader if you regularly engaged your people (leadership team and all other employees) in ways that are uplifting, authentic, and inspiring?
  • Imagine what it would mean for your organization to have more confident, compassionate leaders who own their own strengths, build trust with their staff, and cultivate a workplace culture of belonging.
  • Imagine the ripple effect of having employees who are engaged and excited to contribute their strengths and talents to the cause, elevating everyone’s success and the quality of the services your organization provides.
  • Imagine what it would mean for your organization to experience greater synergy and inspired engagement.

How to Elevate Your Workplace Culture

As an executive or a senior leader, you know you want to elevate your workplace culture, but you don’t know what to do or how to make it happen.

The best way for an organization to have a positive impact in the world is to cultivate a workplace culture that inspires the greatness that exists within.

As much as you may want to make this change, you can’t do it alone!

  • You need a community of leaders within your organization who are on board and ready to support and model this shift within the organization. When your leadership team feels strong and capable, they will be able to step more fully into their role in helping the organization flourish in ways that are resilient and innovative.
  • You need employees who feel safe, creative, innovative, and willing to share their ideas to enhance the culture and what your organization provides to those you serve.
  • And you need a strategic partner who knows how to create the kind of change you desire.

I partner with insightful senior leaders who are ready to take an active role in elevating their workplace culture for their leadership team, their employees, and their organization as a whole.

Working together we create opportunities for your leaders and your employees to be part of the conversations that generate shared meaning, connection, and trust that become the foundation for a vibrant and inclusive workplace community.